What Time Should You Have Your Wedding Ceremony?

Choosing the Perfect Ceremony Time

Choosing the perfect time for your wedding ceremony is crucial for creating a seamless and memorable experience for you and your guests. At Hanbury Barns we will work with you to create a bespoke schedule that’s perfect for you and your unique wedding.

Choosing your ceremony time is an excellent starting point, as this will then dictate the rest of your schedule.

Your Bespoke Schedule

Wedding timings can vary from couple to couple. We will always take into consideration what’s important to you on your special day. For example, some couples might need more time to get ready in the morning, while others may require additional time for The Drinks Reception to capture more photos.

We understand that every couple has a unique vision for the day. However, based on our personal experience, read on to find out more about our recommendations for choosing the perfect ceremony time!

Wedding Day Timings

1:30pm Ceremony

We personally recommend a 1:30pm ceremony time, as we know first-hand how well this works!

A 1:30pm ceremony strikes an ideal balance between allowing ample time to enjoy your morning preparations in The Dressing Room while ensuring an enjoyable relaxed schedule for the rest of your day. Scheduling your ceremony too early can add unnecessary pressure onto you and your wedding party to be ready on time. A 1:30pm ceremony allows you to fully relax and enjoy these precious moments without the stress of an early morning rush.

Furthermore, don’t forget – you will need to be ready to meet with registrars around half an hour before the ceremony for your pre-ceremony meeting.

Guest Convenience

Happy guests make for a happy wedding! A 1:30pm start also offers a comfortable timing for your guests. It gives them plenty of time to travel to the venue while helping to avoid rush hour traffic. This is especially convenient for out-of-town attendees!

This may also reduce the need for overnight accommodation the night before the wedding, which can be a significant cost-saving factor. This window of time also gives guests the opportunity to check into the onsite accommodation half an hour before the ceremony if they wish.

A Relaxed Schedule

A 1:30pm ceremony leaves more than enough time for a full day of events to follow at a comfortable pace. It allows for smooth transitions between different parts of your day without long and awkward waits.

Having a nice flow to the day maintains a nice festive atmosphere, so you can savour each moment without feeling rushed. With a 1:30pm ceremony you have plenty daylight hours to set time apart for what’s important to you.

We're Here To Help

A 1:30 PM ceremony time offers numerous benefits that contribute to a seamless, enjoyable, and memorable wedding day for you and your guests.

Our recommended ceremony time provides the perfect balance of allowing for relaxed morning preparations, ensuring guest convenience, and maintaining a smooth flow throughout the day.

 At Hanbury Barns we are here to help you craft the perfect wedding day timeline that prioritises everything that matters to you.

Huge thanks to Abigail May Photography for the beautiful photos.

Abigail May Photography